Ron Gee has been a numbers guy his entire career. But all that changed in July 2021 when he was named President and CEO of Shiseido Americas. His secret to success is that he’s not a one-note exec: he’s a leader, a strategic thinker, and a creative — all rolled into one. Here, Ron offers a glimpse into why it isn’t always a straight line to becoming the Big Cheese in the corner office.

By Andrea Nagel


  • If you asked 10-year-old Ron what he wanted to be when he grew up, he’d have screamed, “A center-fielder for the New York Yankees!”


  • Ron was one of the cool kids in high school: His first car was a 1991 Pontiac Sunbird. (FYI, owning a Sunbird assured him a prime spot in the school parking lot.)


  • As a teen, Ron was an award-winning pen-and-ink artist! He thought about applying to art school, with dreams of making everyday objects chic. Instead, he decided he was more of a science guy.


  • Ron earned both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in chemical engineering. He’s also an innovator and holds two U.S. patents for food manufacturing processes!


  • Ron has a soft side; he and his family give rescue animals a home. They’ve raised two cats and a stray dog from Lima, Peru, who thrived with the Gees for 16 years.


  • As a Libra, (Ron’s birthday is today, October 13), it makes sense that he can balance many things at once and weigh matters carefully—the symbol for Libra are the scales. According to, Ron holds strong leadership qualities, is great at social projects, unifying a team, and is a natural diplomat with key negotiating and mediator skills.


  • In 2021 Ron made Shiseido history—making the leap from CFO to CEO for the first time in the company’s 150-year history.